New beginnings are always a bit challenging to digest; there's that lingering anxiety that propels you forward, almost saying, "come on, you can do it". And who knows what this so perfectly square 2024, starting on a Monday, has in store for us.
They say September is the real New Year for resolutions and fresh intentions. January, on the other hand, is the month to look to in order to start, precisely what isn't known, and at the same time, anything you can begin.
It's been a year since the inception of GMTZero, desires make their way, ambitions grow, and experience teaches. We look towards the future with wide eyes, ready to embrace all the adventures each project has in store for us. And we should all do a bit of that—laying the foundation to get to know ourselves, looking within, sparking emotions through travels, rediscovering ourselves in entirely new contexts distant from our past, and then pausing for a moment to say, "how much beauty life holds for me”. With determination and ambition, no route will ever be too far. So, backpack on and set out on the journey, with a steady stride and head held high, whether it's a trip or the journey of life, we must try to be and do, as always, our best.
And if we have to start somewhere, let it be with beautiful things. To see, to know, to desire, to buy.